This fallen tree lays next to the Appalachian Trail in the Shenandoah Park in northern Virginia. I am going to submit this piece to the NC Watercolor Society in hopes it will be selected for their next showing.
“Shenandoah Valley II”
I have long been interested in egg tempera. Last year I took a class and have been exploring this new medium, which has a long history and was once used by the master painters of the Renaissance. The artist uses dry pigment mixed with water and egg yolk, which gives the medium extreme longevity. Framing does not need or use mats or glass.
“Kings Mountain Barn”
This is an unusual barn that was constructed with metal sheeting, which is now aged and rusting.
“Sand Dune”
The Outer Banks of North Carolina are such a beautiful place! Getting out to Ocrakoke Island is a trek from our home, but getting out there is worth the journey. The beaches are lovely, and I so enjoy the peace and tranquility of the open stretches of sand and sea.
The sea oats that grow on the dunes there help to protect these fragile islands from the Atlantic.
“Winter Woods”
On New Years Day, my daughter went hiking in Cacapon Resort State Park in WV near Berkleey Springs. She took this photo and shared it with me. I just loved this scene, with the mossy ground and the sun shining through the winter trees.